Meie pere lemmik-carbonara (vähendatud kogustega teen kodus), retsept saab siinkohal tulevikutarbeks ilma pildita talletatud.
Retsepti ja näpunäited kirjutas ja edastas mulle üks meie sõber:
OK friends, here it is. Perhaps the best pasta dish out there. When we lived in Italy we ate this at least once a week. Yummy,quick and easy to make. Here's our recipe as we learned it from our local Italian friends:
Spaghetti alla Carbonara a'la MarcO
1 pound pancetta, diced into 1/4-inch cubes (unsmoked bacon, or use smoked if you can't find unsmoked)
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
6 eggs, at room temperature (you can use less, but it's really worth trying it this way first)
1/2 cup heavy cream, at room temperature (some Italians don't use cream, ours did, but leave it out if you really want to)
1 1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan (use real Parmigiano,freshly grated, not from a can or bag, it makes a bid difference)
1 pound dried spaghetti (buy pasta that has a rough surface, not the smooth kind. Sauce will stick to the rough surface better)
4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley leaves (optional)
In a large pot, boil 6 quarts of salted boiling water (the water will be ready by the time you do the next steps). Heat a large saute pan, until hot. Add pancetta and saute until golden brown and crispy, about 5 minutes. Season with black pepper and remove pan from heat. In a medium bowl, lightly beat the eggs and cream. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in Parmesan, reserving 2 tablespoons for garnish.Add pasta to the boiling water and cook until al dente, about 8 to 10 minutes. do these next steps one after the other, nonstop:Drain pasta in a colander which is sitting in your serving bowl (this will preheat your serving bowl !!). Do not rinse with water; you want to retain the pasta's natural starches so that the sauce will stick.While the pasta is still hot, return it back to the pot. Add the browned pancetta and mix well. Add the cream mixture and coat the pasta completely. (tip-I add one tablespoon of the pasta cooking water at this time,it'll be creamier) It's important to work quickly while the pasta is still warm so that the cream mixture will cook, but not curdle. Add remaining Parmesan and chopped parsley.Place into your drained preheated serving bowl and serve immediately.
Bon Appetiteher are a couple of links to videos to show you how easy it is to make, with a couple of variations: in English,but he forgot the pepper ! in Italian (he doesn't use the egg whites, I do with great results)There are many recipes for this,non of them wrong. Because it's so easy to make and very tasty you might be adding it to your family's list of favorites.
ma ei külasta mitte kunagi enam sinu blogi, kui see asi pole eesti keeles siin üleval..homseks:)))
VastaKustutaÄra kujuta ette :))) Aga luban, et see jääb ainukeseks vähemalt pikaks ajaks ;)
VastaKustutaAga ma võin sulle laupäeval õpetada, kuidas seda teha:) Saba vist jääb seekord ära, ma ei jõua turule:(
jumal olgu õnnistatud, et et lasi valgusel sinule paista, ning ei lase sul neid jälkusi, seasabade näol, Saaremaa pinnale tassida:)))
VastaKustutaOi kurjam :):) püha jumal, sa näed ja ei mürista :D Need on ju lehmasabad!!!